Virtual Training

Managing Adversity Quotient




In the workplace, it is inevitable for the staffs to face challenges and difficulties, which would impose adverse impact on the mental health of the staffs. Such negative emotions brought from the challenges would be harmful to the work performance of the teams and create a negative working environment to the teams, which is definitely not the desired phenomenon for the organizations and the staff. To ensure a positive working culture is maintained for the staffs and the staff performance can be improved even under pressure, the leader plays a critical role to lead the team during adversities and tackle challenges at work together so that the team can hand-on-hand overcome any adverse situations as a united team. A good leader is able to turn the challenges into an opportunity for the team members to unite and foster team spirit effectively. The Workshop on Managing Adversity Quotient is tailored and designed for the managerial staff to general staff. The workshop will include a comprehensive framework of Adversity Quotient (“AQ”), practical methods to enhance AQ and reinforce mental resilience, as well as framework to promote a positive working culture for the teams.


Objectives of Managing Adversity Quotient:


  • Understand the theoretical framework and scientific foundations of Adversity Quotient ("AQ")
  • Learn practical methods to enhance personal AQ and reinforce mental resilience to better cope with adversities and tackle challenges at work
  • Impart the knowledge and insights of the AQ framework in staff members to promote a positive working culture and improve performance under pressure


Sample Outline of Managing Adversity Quotient:


  1. Stress Management
    • What is AQ?
    • The relationship between EQ, AQ and IQ
    • Three types of people: quitter, camper, climber, and their differences in
      • Working style / Response to adversity / Language pattern
      • Neuroscience of Adversity Effect on the brain
      • Growth vs. Fixed Mindset
  2. Knowing AQ Score Through CO2RE

    • Introduce the questionnaire on AQ score
    • Understand how CO2RE reflect AQ and their key essences
      • Control
      • Origin
      • Ownership
      • Reach
      • Endurance
    • Analyze one own AQ score and the implication on personal performance and development and workplace
  3. Enhancing Mental Resilience
    • Arrival of the VUCA era
    • Improve AQ through the adoption of LEAD
      • Listen to your thought responses with Mindfulness
      • Explore all origins and ownership of the result through recalibration
      • Analyze the evidence
      • Do something
    • Promote a positive working environment and improve performance under pressure


Contact Talent Professional today for your best suited Managing Adversity Quotient solution to acquire skills to cope with adversities in effective manners!


Remarks: Program objectives and outlines are for reference only; programs would be tailor-made with clients' specific requirements.